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Capturix Scanshare 8 03 Crack Cocaine

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Capturix Scanshare 8 03 Crack Cocaine

PWISD COCAINE; SELL/DELIVER COCAINE $20,000 SECURED BOND 5 If you have been arrested with cocaine/crack related charges. HERE

Savonia Cooper-(50/F) 1212 S Franklin Street, Rocky Mount, NC a CONSPIRE TO SELL COCAINE b.. SELL WITHIN 1000 FT OF SCHOOL; SELL/DELIVER COCAINE; PWISD COCAINE; MAINTAIN DWELL CS c.. Below are the names of the 40 individuals that were apprehended during Operation Dismantle.

Nicholas Ellwein-(33/ M) 2257 Barnes Ct, Nashville, NC a SELL/DELIVER HEROIN; PWIMSD HEROIN; MAINTAIN DWELL b.. Operation Dismantle On Monday August 1, 2016 beginning at 0400 hours, The Tar River Regional Drug Task Force consisting of the Nash County Sheriffs Office, Nashville Police Department, Spring Hope Police Department, Tarboro Police Department, NC Probation and Parole, NC SBI, NC ALE, and Drug Enforcement Administration began Operation Dismantle.. PWISD COCAINE; SELL/DELIVER COCAINE; MAINTAIN VEH/DWELL b PWISD COCAINE; SELL/DELIVER COCAINE; MAINTAIN c.. PWISD COCAINE; SELL/DELIVER COCAINE; MAINTAIN d CONSPIRE TO SELL/DELIVER COCAINE $100,000 SECURED BOND 8.

PWISD COCAINE; SELL/DELIVER COCAINE; MAINTAIN DWELL CS c PWISD COCAINE; SELL/DELIVER COCAINE; MAINTAIN DWELL CS $5,000 SECURED BOND 6.. SELL/DELIVER HEROIN; PWIMSD HEROIN; MAINTAIN DWELL $41,000 SECURED BOND 7 Cameron Fox-(28/M) 416 Chester Street, Rocky Mount, NC a.. Sheriff Stone reiterated, We will continue to proactively address the gun, gang and drug issue to include heroin, cocaine, and other controlled substances all which are negatively affecting and putting our children and youth in our community at risk.. SELL/DELIVER COCAINE; PWISD COCAINE; MAINTAIN VEH CS $85,000 SECURED BOND 4 Danny Davis- (22/M) 2521 Christopher Lane, Rocky Mount, NC a. b0d43de27c HERE

Anthony Drake-(22/ M) 3324 Sunset Avenue, Rocky Mount, NC a PWISD COCAINE; SELL/DELIVER COCAINE; MAINTAIN DWELL CS b.. Operation Dismantle Release Date/Time: 15:00 PM Incident: Operation Dismantle Date/ Time: Monday, 04:00 AM Location: Various Locations in Rocky Mount and Nash County.. Joseph Keith Avent (30/M) 2037 Hunter Hill Road, Rocky Mount, NC a PWISD SCH IV CS; SELL/DELIVER SCH IV C/S b. 5